Company Profile

The Glass Room is a company which specializes and invests in the design and manufacture of architectural art glass, providing an innovative approach for designers, home owners, and architects alike. With most building products, the design fraternity are generally presented with a number of limited options, however, as a glass design and build service The Glass Room can offer custom-made glass products to both commercial and residential projects.

This means textures which have never been seen before can be produced even if it’s only a single panel that is required. Producing glass which can be invisible then at a flick of a button is an impenetrable wall is now here. Using the entire glass wall of a 10 storey building as a canvas is a reality not a dream. Our reality is that home owners and designers alike seek a uniqueness, that gives a special edge or finish. The difference between something which looks and fits perfectly to something which doesn’t comes down to experience and that’s what we as producers and designers bring to the table. We are not interested in finding reasons why something cannot be done.

With our offshore partners we can bring in specialized coloured and coated glass panels to give your project a flair never before seen on our shores.

Yet despite this commitment to innovation our roots are in the age-old tradition of stained glass. In this area we have an enormous amount of experience and are committed to the proper restoration of stained glass panels which form the basis of all glass panels as we now know them.

Working with NZ’s top architects and designers we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every job, and that experience is available to all our customers, residential, commercial and heritage.

We are proud to be recognised as the leading figure in glass/glazing restoration, from old historic glass through to genuine stained glass reproductions, and of course new work. Whether working with home owners or in heritage listed buildings, we commit our vast experience to every contract we are entrusted with.

Our team includes skilled artisans, craftspeople, tradespeople, who work to exacting standards, led by people with vast experiences to draw on.

The Glass Room has worked on projects from the USA to Europe.
The Glassroom and/or its Directors have been actively involved on many iconic projects, including:
  • Auckland’s Sky Tower
  • The Supreme Court Wellington, producing more than 2,500 individual sections of heat-treated glass for NZ’s largest single sculpture
  • The University of Oxford
  • The internationally acclaimed Resurrection Windows at Chandlers Ford, England
  • Christchurch Girls’ High School – restoring the historic Acland House post earthquakes
  • CQ Hotel, Wellington.
  • St Paul’s Trinity Church, Christchurch
  • Calendar Girls, Christchurch
  • Hotel Maitai La Pita, Tahiti
  • The Christchurch Arts Centre repair and reconstruction.
  • Ferrymead Heritage Park, Christchurch
  • The George Hotel’s famous Pescatore Restaurant in Christchurch
  • The Rees Hotel in Queenstown
  • Westlake Boys’ High School in Auckland, with editorial coverage in the US Stained Glass Quarterly, a significant honour
  • The Marina Hotel in Queenstown
  • Rainforest Hotel in Franz Joseph
  • Te Papa Gallery, Wellington
  • Rolleston Park’s fused glass mosaic panels
  • The Watershed project, Wellington
  • Christchurch Casino
  • Seaside Christchurch, Sole artists at Taylor’s Mistake, Waimaari Beach, New Brighton beach, South New Brighton beach, North New Brighton beach, Christchurch, fused and molten glass used in glass mural designed by Richard Wiki in partnership with Dorothy Ratcliff
Our Clients have included:
  • Queen Elizabeth – Princess Anne -President Clinton
  • The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia-The Sultan of Brunei
  • Former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela- Prince of Egypt
  • Michael Hill for his Queenstown private golf course
  • Shania Twain for her home in Wanaka
  • Sir Richard Hadlee- Lady Adrienne Stewart.-The PM John Key
  • Former PM Jim Bolger- Former PM Jenny Shipley
  • Former PM Helen Clark- Former PM Mike Moore
  • The venerable Christchurch Wizard

The same skills and expertise that went into these major projects and for these distinquished dignatories, business leaders and acclaimed individuals are available to all our customers. So visit our showroom, talk to our staff and see the possibilities.

Copyright © Glass Room. All rights reserved.

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